A Toolbox for Spatial Computing Experiments

The Vuforia Spatial Toolbox and Vuforia Spatial Edge Server make up a shared research platform for exploring spatial computing.
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Spatial Tools

Spatial Programming

Spatial Robotic UI

What is Vuforia Spatial Toolbox?

Adapting to the COVID-19 home office, we created a basic hardware interface addon. It allows you to connect the Vuforia Edge Server with your Arduino project, your children's Lego Boost and Lego Wedo 2.0 set, and as well the Philips Hue lighting system in your living room.

What do I use Vuforia Spatial Toolbox for?

Attach spatial tools graphic
Attach Spatial Tools to objects tracked with Vuforia Engine
Program physical machines graphic
Program physical machines spatially using Kepware and other supported platforms
Generate your own tools graphic
Generate your own 2D and 3D Spatial Tools to place in your environment

Access our Tutorials

Use the Spatial Toolbox
Create new Tools
Create new hardware interfaces
Learn about the system

Made with Vuforia Spatial Toolbox